ClubBook celebrates individual expressions with tolerance, reflected in unique styles, personalities and voices of each avatar. Our members choose their own avatars to listen and talk with each other around a variety of topics.
See All AvatarsOur roadmap is crafted together with ClubBook members. It's not just in virtual world, but the real world that we live in. We connect with real people with authentic voices.
1st generation of avatars - we are just born as NFTs. Things about us, all the attributes are still yet to be defined or discovered but our own stories are about to begin. We will share where we live, what we dream of doing moving forward.
Avatars, we've got things to say. We talk, listen and hang out together. We meet on Discord, Clubhouse, Twitter - wherever we can connect and share stories. We all have voices. Let's talk.
Let's meet in the real world. At a local coffee shop, at an office, in your neighborhood. Feel the vibe of our community in offline meet-ups.
Our conversion worth noting and spreading. Our talks reflect our philosophy and our ideas. Share what you care about and let your voices get heard.
Local community grows and benefits us all. Stay connected to the community and get values provided to our citizen. You can also provide something for the community as well.
Want to set a tone through your artwork? Create next generations of avatars and create a community that shares values and points-of-views. We support artists joining us to reveal NFTs to build a next village for ClubBook members.
Each NFT is algorithmically generated by combining 120+ unique traits across different categories. There are only 13 legendary avatars available for grabs.
1st generation of avatars have been created by Rick Kim, an artist based in Seoul, South Korea.
At ClubBook, artists can express their world views through their artwork as we help them generate NFT avatars! Connect with us on Discord and let's build a next village together.
Connect on DiscordTo become a ClubBook member, you need to get your NFT avatar and join our Discord.
Get your avatar today on OpenSea and join us on Discord!